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  • Download the Jambox SDK package from the links provided to you by your publishing partner.
  • Double click on the downloaded Arena SDK Package and import it into your Unity package. A dialog will pop up where you can choose the assets from the package to import. Click the 'All' button to make sure everything is checked. Next, click the 'OK' button.
  • The Jambox Arena SDK is now installed in your Unity project. You should see an Assets/JamboxPublishing/ folder in your project tab.
  • Add JamboxPublishing.prefab in your Main UI Scene.
  • Create an account on the Jambox Dashboard and add your game.
  • Download the metaSdk.json file from our developer portal under the games section and save it inside asset/JamboxPublishing Folder. Reference it inside JamboxPublishing Prefab to that all the SDK will be initialised. image

Setting up Services#


  • For firebase, download goole-services.json file from the Firebase console and add it to the asset folder.


  • Edit the Facebook setting of your App with our Facebook AppID.

Ironsource and network adapters#

  • You can add AdMob, Facebook Audience network, AppLovin and other adapters through Ironsource Integration manager which is available inside Ironsource Menu in Unity.


  • For AdMob do provide Admob Android AppId under the Admob settings ( IronSource > Developer Setting > Mediated Network Settings). Please make sure you add the AdMob Adapter.
  • In addition you need to change the path of android manifest file inside IronSourceManifestProcessor class the variable manifestPath as shown below
   string manifestPath = Path.Combine( Application.dataPath, "JamboxPublishingSDK/IronSource/Plugins/Android/IronSource.plugin/AndroidManifest.xml");
  • You have to enable minify > release option inside Unity build setting > publishing setting and update proguard-user.txt file with the following keep statements:
      -keepattributes *Annotation*   -keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable   -keep public class * extends java.lang.Exception   -keep class com.crashlytics.** { *; }   -dontwarn com.crashlytics.**โ€‹   -keep class com.adjust.sdk.** { *; }   -keep class {       int SUCCESS;   }   -keep class {$Info getAdvertisingIdInfo(android.content.Context);   }   -keep class$Info {       java.lang.String getId();       boolean isLimitAdTrackingEnabled();   }   -keep public class** { *; }
  • Make sure min SDK version is 21 and Target SDK Version is 30 (at minimum) inside build settings.